A.V. Grigoriev

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affaires of the Republic of Belarus
6-a, Masherov av., Minsk, 220005
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In the modern context of improving the process of strengthening of national security, sovereignty of the state the clarification of the role and place of the internal affairs agencies in the structure of mechanism of the Belarusian state is required. The functional assignment of the internal affairs agencies directly concerns the question of their place and role in the formation of civil society and the rule of law in the Republic of Belarus that has not only theoretical but practical significance.

The current system of internal affairs agencies of the Republic of Belarus, through the process of its development since the adoption of the Declaration «On the State Sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus» is analyzed. The attention is focused on the reform of the existing system of internal affairs agencies, as the result of which the author comes to the conclusion that the transformation taking place in the internal affairs agencies is reflection of changes in the organization and operation of the modern institutional power. Consequently, the history of law enforcement agencies is a clear proof that they traditionally occupied a leading position in the institutional power.

The internal affairs agencies, with the largest volume of law enforcement power, are able to solve their tasks and play a significant role in the mechanism of the modern Belarusian state. A number of numerous reforms and reorganizations aloud to come to conclusion that the internal affairs agencies were assigned and continue pushing an overriding place in the mechanism of the modern Belarusian state. The formation and development of the system of internal affairs agencies of Belarus, the improvement of its activities is a continuous process based on the historical experience of its functioning.

The provision of formation in the republic integral and effective system of internal affairs agencies is necessary to scientifically based consolidation of their functions at the legislative level, which will increase the efficiency of their operations and ensure respect and support of the society and individuals. In this context the necessity of amending of Article 1 of the Law «On the internal affairs agencies of the Republic of Belarus» is grounded.

Keywords: internal affairs agencies; system, functions; crime fighting; public order maintenance;
assurance of public security


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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