The "Political Violence" Concept Analysis in Anti-Terrorist Agreements of the UN

N.A. Chernyadyeva

Perm State National Research University
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990

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Abstract: The author, using existing international legal base of the UN, carries out the analysis of a conceptual framework in the field of counteraction to terrorism. The author investigates the generic concept "political violence" in relation to the concept "International Terrorism" in article. It is noted that it belongs to the difficult political and legal phenomena which don't have the standard definition and universally coordinated set of system signs.

There are no in-depth studies of this term in science of international law. Generally politological aspects were exposed to the analysis.

Peculiar feature of category of political violence is the special structure of subjects of commission of violent acts: individuals (group of individuals). The international law doesn't recognize the state behavior as violence expression. According to international legal representations the states possess a monopoly on implementation of lawful violence within implementation of the powers of authority. The limited right to violence realization also admits universal scale behind the states.

The analysis of international legal base in the sphere of fight against terrorism allows to allocate two standardly fixed signs of political violence: action against individuals and illegal nature of behavior.

The circle of people which can suffer in connection with violence application is unreasonably limited in the international conventions. The international law classifies them only individuals left out of the legal regulation of other entities.

The theory of political and legal science offered to allocate peculiar features of political violence, including a sign "efficiency". This sign doesn't possess constructive value for studied category as the result received as a result of violent behavior, as a rule, differs from the desirable. Efficiency has relative character.

Motives and the purpose of violent behavior didn't fixing in international law. Recognizing that they don't play an important role at phenomenon identification as illegitimate violence, we will note that their character influences exact qualification of act in group of violent offenses. Identification of motive and the purpose of the violent act have essential value for definition of all circumstances of illegal violent behavior. It is possible to consider as the general target sign of all versions of political violence that all of them are hostilely aggressive to the outside world, are focused on infliction of harm.

It is necessary to add the list of the acts falling under definition of the concept "violence" of international legal documents by not physical forms of behavior (mental violence, threat of application of violence).

Keywords: International terrorism; international security; UN treaties; international crime; violence


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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