THE Concept of Ensuring Internal Security in Correctional System

D.A. Kosonogov

Vladimir institute of Law FPS of Russia
Main Administration of Russian Federal Penitentiary Service in Perm region
25, Ostrovsky st., Perm, 614990

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In the article the concepts of “security” are analyzed from the points of view of legislators and scholars. The principal approaches to its ensuring, established in science, are considered: naturalistic and action approach. The logical sequence of categories (formula) is presented, which makes it possible to formulate the concept of «penal enforcement system personal security”, and which may be applied as a base when defining other types of security. The presented formula includes: obstructive measures (defense) from the negative factors (danger), which influence the system in order to prevent it from the negative impact (external and internal) that can affect normal existence and development of the system (positive goal). The categories of the presented formula have also gotten its own definition, which makes it possible to reveal the nature of security of penal enforcement system as full as possible. The article shows the place and the role of operations subdivisions of Federal service of penal enforcement as a party which ensures national security within the bounds of Russian Federation Strategy of national security until year 2020 and Federal Law «On security». The participation of Federal service of penal enforcement as a public authority, in which the law-enforcement service is provided, in ensuring state national security, as well as the assessment of such efforts. The research presents author’s version of such concepts as “security ensuring” and “penal enforcement system personal security”. In addition, correlation of concepts «personal» and «security» is analyzed, which helps to show the content of ensuring personal security in penal enforcement system. The correlation of penal execution legal system and law enforcement operations legal system of Russian Federation for the purpose of defining the competence of bodies which carry out investigation activities of penal enforcement system is also examined. Article 84 of Penal Execution Code of Russian Federation, which regulates the activities of operations subdivisions of penal enforcement system and article 1 of Federal law on investigation and search operations are analyzed. Author’s own position concerning the goals of investigation and search operations in penal enforcement system is formulated. The author suggests his own version of elimination of ambiguous interpretation of Russian Federation legislation in the area of investigation and search operations in penal enforcement system, of normative-juridical fixation of “personal security” concept, its provision in penal enforcement system and of foundations and subject of application of personal security measures.

Keywords: security; own security; the threat; security; criminal-Executive system; operational-investigative activity


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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Publishing 4 times a year