TO THE Issue of the Legal Nature of the Chartering Contract

O.S. Yurenkova

Ulyanovsk state university
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Problems of legal qualification of the contract of chartering are designated. It is noted that transport charters and codes not only have no general platform for standardization of rules of law in this sphere of legal regulation, but also create preconditions for numerous scientific discussions. Distinctive features of the charter are shown, allowing it to delimit from the contract of transportation of goods and from the contract of transportation of passengers and luggage, and also from the lease contract of vehicles. Ambiguity of interpretation of concept «capacity of vehicles» allowed some authors to identify it with property, namely with vehicles, and, as a result, to carry a charter to a lease contract version. Proceeding from a presumption of compliance of provisions of the Code of trading navigation of the Russian Federation of Russian Federation Group Art. 787, it is necessary to ascertain, as on other means of transport chartering and transportation are, if not conterminous, at least, indissoluble concepts. The legal nature of service in chartering is investigated. The purposes of the parties of the contract and its orientation are defined. In our opinion, this contract nevertheless is directed on transportation, instead of on transfer of assets in temporary possession and using. Chartering a taxi, the passenger has the purpose to get to the destination instead of to use a vehicle for sitting. The charterer owning cargo, also has no use purpose, for example, the aircraft for warehousing. The chartering purpose always is transportation. To the lease contract of vehicles, other purposes Author are inherent comes to a conclusion that chartering is a version of services in transportation. It is raised the question about a ratio of concepts booking and granting capacity of vehicles. Thus, it is necessary to define the legal nature of booking. Whether is it service, the preliminary contract or the privilege? The unequivocal position on the matter isn't present.\

Keywords: chartering contract; transportation; rent of vehicles


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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