V.I. Omigov

Perm Branch of the Nizhegorodskaya Academy of the RF Ministry of Domestic Affairs.
100, Academika Vedeneeva st., Perm, 614038
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The article is devoted to the issues of the Russian international cooperation in the sphere of the criminal sentences execution as seen in the historical perspective. Special attention is given to the forms, ways and means of the international cooperation in the criminal proceedings associated with the criminal extradition, different forms of assis-tance in the crime investigation process and court proceedings, including letters of re-quest, execution of the court orders and handing-in the protocols of the court decisions, giving testimony in other countries, transferring the court proceedings, transporting the foreign prisoners and sentences execution abroad, as well as supervising persons on conditional discharge in other countries.

Keywords: forms; means and ways of international cooperation in the sphere of the criminal sentences execution


Bibliograficheskij spisok

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  2. Demchenko V. Kak vzaimodejstvovat' s MKKK // Prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2001. №7. S. 45–46.
  3. Erohin V. Peredacha osuzhdennyh inostrancev na rodinu dlja dal'nejshego otbyvanija nakazanija // Ros. justicija. 1999. №8. S. 35–36.
  4. Trudy penitenciarnoj komissii Sankt–Peterburgskogo juridicheskogo obwe¬stva. SPb., 1890. 214 s.
  5. Chajka Ju. Kurs – na social'nuju reabilitaciju // Prestuplenie i nakazanie. 2004. №4. S. 5–8.
The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
The magazine is registered in Federal Agency of supervision in sphere of communication and mass communications.
The certificate on registration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-33087 from September, 5th, 2008
The certificate on reregistration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-53189 from Marth, 14th, 2013

The magazine is included in List ВАК and in the Russian index of scientific citing

The founder & Publisher: the State educational institution of the higher training
“The Perm State University”.
Publishing 4 times a year