L.R. Shcherba

Taras Shevshchenkо Kiev National University
16-a, Dovshenko st., Kiev, 03057
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In this article considers the concept of the collective contract of property rights of copyright and related rights, examines the legal nature othis above mentioned agreement.

The author analyzes the different models of collective management of copyright and related rights with the participation of organization management of copyright and related rights with different legal statuses: the manager-representative and fiduciary manager of intellectual property rights.

The author substantiates the conclusion that the contract for the collective management pf property rights of copyright and related rights under the Ukrainian law, it is appropriate to recognize the agreement of a special kind (sui generis) of representative-agent type, containing elements of agency and attorney contracts.

The author concludes that the most adequate and promising way of regulating relations between the cubject of collective management of copyright/related rights (the founder) and the manager should be considered by commissioning agreements, fiduciary type – fiduciary management deed and the unnamed contract of property rights of copyright/related rights, the rules under which the manager on his own name makes the necessary legal and other, factual, actions solely on the benefit of the founder and/or the beneficiary (ies) in accordance with the terms of the management contract and the legislation.

The expediency of legal recognition of two different statuses of collective management – manager-representative and fiduciary manager of intellectual property. Which will allow for the collective management on behalf of clients (represantive management model), or on its own behalf management (model of fidusiary management of intellectual property rights).

The author sunstantiates the conclusion of the contract on the place of property rights collective management of copyright and (or) related rights in the system of civil contracts and appropriate recognition of this agreement as a kind of contract for the provision of services do disposal of intellectual property rights, to which the provisions of Ukrainian legislation of the license agreement with granting an exclusive license to use the object of intellectual property rights with the right to grant non-exclusive licences for the use of these facilities to other persons.

Keywords: contract for collective management of the property rights of the subjects of the copyright and allied right; representative activity of the collective management bodies; confidential management of the ownership right for intellectual property


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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Publishing 4 times a year