The Order of Annulling the Queer Transactions of the Debtor in Bankruptcy Proceedings

K.S. Kondratyeva

Perm State National Research University
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990
E-mail: kskondratieva@

In the article, a category of voidable contracts (being a new category for the domestic legislation) is viewed; the conditions for contesting a queer transaction are researched. Besides, the two categories of the queer transactions are analyzed – as per unequal granting and as per the purpose of doing a mischief to the creditors.

The bankruptcy (insolvency) legislation is one of the most disputable branches of law. The issues of insolvency are interesting both for the theorists and practicians. The legislator rather often reforms the provisions of Federal Law dd 26.10.2002 №127-ФЗ «On insolvency (bankruptcy)». For example, Federal Law dd 28.04.2009 №73-ФЗ «On introducing changes into separate legislative acts of the Russian Federation» brings significant changes into Federal Law dd 26.10.2002 №127-ФЗ «On insolvency (bankruptcy)», including those that changed critically the legislator’s approach to the regulation the issues associated with annulling the debtor’s transactions and that defined a new approach in the field in question. The changes were followed by new disputes on paper and in practice about the variants of the new norms’ interpretation; a competition of norms was found out in the Insolvency Law; but many of the disputes which had existed before were successfully solved.  

Annulling the transaction and applying the consequences of its annulling is one of the ways to protect the civil rights (Article 12 of the Russian Federation Civil Code). The reasons for annulling the transactions are contained not only in the Russian Federation Civil Code but also in other normative legal acts embedded into the civil legislation system including Federal Law dd 26.10.2002 №127-ФЗ «On insolvency (bankruptcy)», whci apart from the Russian Federation Civil Code provides for a different order and scope of persons whose claim can cause the transaction annulling. Besides, the annulling concept performs two important functions within the insolvency framework: protecting the creditors’ interests and restoring the debtor’s paying capability.

In the bankruptcy proceedings, the transactions can be annulled both on common and special grounds contained in the Insolvency Law. However, opposed to the Russian Federation Civil Law, the special grounds for annulling are not given in a separate chapter of Federal Law dd 26.10.2002 №127-ФЗ «On insolvency (bankruptcy)», but are included into each chapter devoted to separate procedures. With this, even an insolvency expert sometimes faces a difficulty in defining the number of special grounds for annulling, the order of annulling as per such grounds and persons who can correspondingly claim in the court.

Keywords: Insolvency (bankruptcy); invalidity of a deal; queer transactions


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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Publishing 4 times a year