I.A. Lepekhin

Тhe branch of the Russian state humanitarian University in Tver.
Microdistrict Litvinki, Tver, 170015

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The article deals with the essential conditions of the loan agreement, secured by the mortgage, which is a mixed contract and shall contain the terms and conditions as the loan contract and mortgage contract.

According to item 432 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation to the essential terms of the contract attribute subject of a contract and conditions, which are named in the law or other legal acts as an essential or necessary for this type of contracts, as well as all the conditions on which any one of the parties has to be agreed.

According to operating Russian legislation (owing to direct instructions on these conditions in regulatory legal acts) to essential conditions of the credit contract provided with a mortgage, following conditions concern: the subject of the contract, for which the loan agreement are the money (credit) funds; the subject of a mortgage and its estimation; about term (period of validity of the credit contract; term on which the credit stands out; term of charge of percent and term of return of the credit, i.e. a date of performance of the obligation provided with a mortgage); about the size of the credit or the conditions, allowing to define its size; about percent for using proceeds of credit (a condition платности or возмездности the credit); about a being of the obligation provided with a mortgage; about property responsibility of the parties for infringements of conditions of the credit contract; about an order of cancellation of the contract and a discharge.

The credit contract provided with a mortgage, generates between its parties the whole complex of the rights and the duties, some of them (a duty of the creditor to grant the loan to the borrower in size and on the conditions provided by the credit contract; a duty of the borrower to return proceeds of credit and to pay for using them percent; the right of the creditor to have satisfaction of the monetary requirements from cost of the real estate put by the depositor or the rights to real estate) are essential conditions of the given contract.

According to existing practice the credit contract provided with a mortgage, as a rule, provides target use of proceeds of credit – on acquisition or building of object of real estate. In this case the condition about the purpose of granting of the credit will be also essential.

 Keywords: credit contract; mortgage; essential conditions; credit


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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