A.V. Petrov

South Ural State University
76, Ave. Lenina, Chelyabinsk, 454080
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The summary: In article “To a question on legal maintenance of the organisation and activity of militia of Provisional government and militia” white »the governments of Urals Mountains and Siberia» problems of standard regulation of the organisation and activity of national militia of Provisional government and militia of the “white” governments operating in territory of Urals Mountains and Siberia in provisional government and Civil war are investigated.

The author carries out the comparative analysis of the organisation of national militia of Provisional government and militia of the “white” governments, comparing in istoriko-legal aspect not only the separate parties of functioning, but also standard legal base of their activity, and also questions of financing and acquisition by shots. Use of methods of comparison has allowed the author to open more deeply the put problems, in a new fashion to interpret the information entered into a scientific turn, to generate wider context of consideration of features of the organisation of militia in a diarchy and civil war in Urals Mountains and in Siberia.

As a result of the carried out research the author has come to conclusion, that formation of law enforcement bodies during the considered period had as the general, and distinctive lines in the decision of organizational-legal questions of formation and activity of militias. In a basis of standard regulation of activity of militia of the “Antibolshevist” governments the Provisional government legislation has been put in pawn both pre-revolutionary, and. In article such standard legal certificates regulating activity of militias during the period from February till October, 1917, as Time position about militia, and in civil war – Time position about the Siberian militia are analysed.

Among the most significant distinctive lines the author allocates that circumstance, that the national militia of Provisional government was in local government conducting, and militia of the “Antibolshevist” governments – under the authority of the central bodies. In this connection there was a different order of financing of militia. In civil war on service in bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the former employees of police and gendarmes were accepted. Thus the special norm of Time position about the Siberian militia directly forbade ranking officers to be at Councils employees of militias. During the period between two revolutions of 1917 – bourgeois-democratic and socialist – the municipal militia was created, during the period of civil war – the militia was an executive office as a part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that testified to the tendency of a reconstruction of the strong government.

Keywords: law enforcement bodies; militia history; public order protection


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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Publishing 4 times a year