A.V. Grigoriev

Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affaires of the Republic of Belarus
6-a, Masherov av., Minsk, 220005
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The doctrinal approaches to the definition of the principles of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state in jurisprudence are investigated. The attention is focused on the principle of the division of the powers as a basic principle of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of a modern lawful state. The scientific points of view which are available in the modern legal literature, on theoretical problems of the principles of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state are analyzed. The absence of the unity of the methodological approaches in the modern jurisprudence to the principles of the organization of the mechanism of the state, their classification and system is noticed that on the one hand causes complexity of research of the specified scientific problem, with another – the absence of the ideology of the etatism and dominating methodology in scientific researches promotes the all-round analysis and realization of a principle of objectivity of scientific knowledge.

The author comes to the conclusion that fastening of the principles at the legislative level is the certificate of the recognition of the objectivity of their existence; however the absence of their legislatively fixed concept and the list is not an obstacle for their effective influence on the organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state. The author’s vision of the theoretical-legal concept of the principles of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state and the prospect of its application in the jurisprudence is offered. The explanation of main principles of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state has allowed to make their scientific definition in a following statement: the principles of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of a modern lawful state are basic rather stable and doctrinal fixed beginnings separate from which have the standard expression, underlying the formations, organizations and functioning of the mechanism of a modern lawful state and defining its essence, social appointment, the functional orientation, having obligatory character.

Keywords: the mechanism of the state; the principles; the principles of the organization and functioning of the mechanism of the state; the division of the powers


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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