D.G. Morozov

Kuibyshevsky district court in St. Petersburg
20, Karavannaya st., St. Petersburg, 191023
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In this article is debatating a question about a law and regulatory of legal act parity in all territory of the Russian Federation considered. The law as a source of the right existed in the most ancient states. Laws regulate the most important public relations and interactions, they are steady, stable and have a relative invariance. The highest validity of laws is expressed that all other standard legal certificates in the state should be published on the basis of laws, and can't contradict with them. All in all, the understanding of a parity of the law and subordinate statutory act in Soviet period proceeded in practice mainly from that there is not single law that could operate without the whole system concretizing and developing it's subordinate statutory acts.

Therefore begins the importance for a lawful state to regulate all questions, especially questions which mention the rights, freedom and duties, the law and only the law. The law and subordinate standard legal certificate are the basic versions of one source of the right − the standard legal certificate.

However, the granted source of the right − not unique in legal system of the Russian Federation. Any all-round theoretical researches on problems of a parity of the law and subordinate standard legal certificate in our country was not done. In the same time one of conditions formation of a lawful state is the presence of coordinated and consistented legislation. In this article it is mentioned that the problem of artificial increase of a role and legal effect of subordinate act rather than the act of legislation. There is an important question which has necessity in the definition an optimum parity of the law and subordinate normative legal act with definition of hierarchical dependence degree and subordination of subordinate normative legal act in relation to the law, and also establishment subject spheres of regulation compared to the acts.

Increase of a role of the law in the conditions of transformation state-legal relations is proved due to the fact of necessity improvement of the laws quality and their efficiency.

Keywords: court; norms of the right; state (government); right; law; supremacy of law; principles of right


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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Publishing 4 times a year