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The article is devoted to the actual problem of forming of the legal basis of elimination of human trafficking in foreign countries. The emergence of the process of enacting legislation to combat human trafficking is accounted for the need to address the causes of this phenomenon, ignoring of which could lead to destabilization of social peace and economic imbalances. One should take into consideration that problem is systematic in nature. That’s why a comprehensive approach is required to it valid in countries of origin, transit and destination. It should cover measures to prevent such trafficking, to punish the traffickers and protect victims of trafficking, including protecting their internationally recognized human rights. Special attention should be paid to women and children and encouragement of intergovernmental cooperation to achieve this goals. This system includes: 1) recognition of human trafficking as a criminal offense, 2) protection of trafficking victims, and 3) assisting victims of trafficking. The problem of distinguishing of the two concepts describing mutual interconnection but different in nature phenomenon in the use of forced labor, trafficking in human beings and people smuggling. In case of smuggling illegal immigrants hire a smuggler. Typically, this process involves the illegal transportation from one country to another. For this an illegal agreement is concluded without the use of deception and coercion. On entering into the country and arriving to final destination illegal migrant usually freely uses his ability to work. Human trafficking on the contrary involves the transportiration of people to use them fraudulently to forced labor or commercial sex. Besides victims of trafficking are not allowed to leave the place of destination on arrival. They are held against their will under threat of violence and forced to work or provide services to merchants or third parties.

Currently, there are several forms of human trafficking - bonded labor and forced labour , which are directly interconnected. Bonded labor or debt bondage is the least known form of trafficking, but it is the most widely used method of enslaving people. Victims become bonded laborers when the payment of transportation and their placement in the country of destination is included in their future earnings. And until they pay the carrier, they are forcibly held in bondage.

Thus we resolve the right to state that there is a trend in foreign labour law aimed at forming of laws combating human trafficking.

 Keywords: human trafficking; labor legislation; globalization; Criminal Code; forced labor

Bibliograficheskij spisok

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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