G.V. Kolodub

The Saratov state academy of the right
1, Volsky st., Saratov, 410056
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Article is devoted a substantiation of criterion of an estimation of result of execution of a civil-law duty from a position of the mechanism of realization of the rights. Applying positions of the concept of the guaranteed reception of the legal blessing, affirms that crucial importance for the legal maintenance of the civil obligation, has not so much given having the right to the person possibility to demand certain behavior from the obliged person, how many actual and formal realization of the similar right. Therefore opening the conceptual positions devoted to actual criterion of an estimation, affirms about necessity of a reality, efficiency and productivity of execution of a civil-law duty. In turn the maintenance of formal criterion of an estimation contacts interconditionality of procedure of discharge of duty, to establishments about the form and qualification of application of the law or other regulatory legal act (external expression). Thus, full execution of a subjective civil duty, her appropriate protection (in necessary cases), demands not only formal, but also actual realization of the internal maintenance. In the presence of a similar conglomerate of requirements and the bases, from this point on, probably to consider a subjective duty executed, realized and stopped. The designated vision should be connected with the differentiated understanding of the purposes within the limits of the civil-law obligation. With reference to procedure of discharge of duty the directed development on a number of purposes – private, concrete, base and ideal is marked. Speaking about the ideal purpose, the valid reception of the blessing that is peculiar to each element of obligations system means and distinguishes not a concrete element, and system as a whole. Allocation of the base purpose, contacts necessity of formation of a result for each period of the obligation, occurrence, change and execution. The specific communicate with a result, there is a necessity of efficiency and qualities each legal procedure. The private purpose is connected with realization of potential of auxiliary transactions. At the same time, only execution of a civil-law duty provides and influences all set of target bases of construction of the legal-obligation form.

 Keywords: the mechanism of realization of the rights and discharge of duties; an estimation of result discharge of duty; criteria


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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