Differentiation between ”Single Executive Body of a Legal Person” and “Person Having Functions of the Single Executive Body” in a Company

V.K. Artemenkov

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

7, Nezhinskaya st., Moscow, 119501

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The author analyses the problem of legal status of legal person's organ, which is still controversial today in the russian civil law. The article examines differentiation concepts «single executive body of a legal person» and «CEO of a legal person» in company. The difficulties appearing in delimitation of these concepts and differences in the contents of normative acts create certain difficulties in law-application, in particular in determination to the consequences caused by authority abuse by CEO of a legal person.

Keywords: legal person; legal state (ipostas); functionality of a legal person; substratum of an artificial body; body of a legal person; CEO of a legal person; company; legal personality

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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The certificate on registration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-33087 from September, 5th, 2008
The certificate on reregistration of mass media ПИ № ФС77-53189 from Marth, 14th, 2013

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The founder & Publisher: the State educational institution of the higher training
“The Perm State University”.
Publishing 4 times a year